New Floors Cause a new Scene

Since moving into our new location, we have wanted to re-do our floor color. So after our January Sale, Laurell and I decided to paint them a swirly brown and bronze. Of course, that makes us move and re-do every display in the store and that's a good thing! Last night, we finished the floors on the frenchy side of the store.
The first change was our store windows. A beautiful settee with Italian accessories is one side, and the other has a great white french chair covered in burlap. Next we painted the back room and created a new shop for Bella Notte. The new pewter color of bedding looks great on the antique cane bed. We love the the little paintings of cherubs on the bed. A beautiful vintage tapestry hangs over the bed.
A gift selection for Valentine's Day is together on our feature table. Cherub menu cards and porcelain vessels are so sweet and look antique, although they are reproductions.
A large collection of old floral oil paintings is re-hung on a wall by the new slipcover line that we carry. The white chair is slipcovered in a white linen and is detailed with small ruffles. The document printed fabric on the host or hostess chair is very fun and popular with our customers.
For spring, we will expand our jewelry collections into our front window. The crusty garden coat hooks contrast the shiny stones in the necklaces.
This weekend we hope to finish the floors in the rest of the store as next week we will
start to receive our new merchandise from the Atlanta Gift Show. Tomorrow we drive to Chicago to pick up a load of awesome garden merchandise. We can't wait -- displaying it is so much fun!

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