My friend Marlene gets to wake up every morning this time of year and go out on her deck with this gorgeous view and WARM TEMPERATURES. (Living in Chicago is a character builder this time of year. Just when will winter end????)
And take her perfectly groomed little white dog- Lily with her!
Lily smiling for my camera!
Marlene and her husband Ryan moved to Tennessee about six years ago??? They purchased a pretty white log cabin on the top of a mountain with breathtaking views.
But OH NO- it is not decorated in a normal "log cabin" style!!! We are talking French antiques, lots of crystal and a bit of leather and antlers thrown in to the mix!
In the great room- Marlene has a collection of old landscape oils going up a 20 foot wall.
Old architectural pieces add interest to the entry hall.
Adore this chandelier in the main living space.
Enclosed glass porch allows them to enjoy the views year round.
Vintage wicker and urns are on the side deck. Charming spot to sit a spell!
Ryan is quite the garden guy and built this water feature for the side of the home.
Pretty incredible huh?
Dining room chandy- so pretty with its shades
Love this collection of old bread plates on the wall
The old trophy holds cooking utensil! Handy and it saves drawer space!
guest bedroom- so pretty with the white linens
What a view- high on a mountain top in the middle of Tennessee!
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